The ADC Alex Q&A

Currently residing in Fayetteville, North Carolina, ADC Alex is the owner of the clothing brand, All Differently Created, and the true definition of an entrepreneur. Recently I was privileged with the opportunity to interview with him. With a variety of topics being discussed, including influences, mental health, and special opportunities such as meeting Xavier Wulf, you will be able to gain not only a lot of knowledge from this interview, but also some insight on who ADC Alex is, and what is to come. Check out our conversation below.


Harrison Freeman: First and foremost, I want to welcome you to our blog, and thank you for being the first artist featured on this section. It is a privilege of mine to have you on here with us! Please introduce yourself.

ADC Alex: Of course man! It’s a pleasure to be here. Hopefully one day I can look back at this after you make it and be like wow. I was here from the start. But my name is Alexander, I’m 26 years old, currently living in Fayetteville North Carolina, and I run a small clothing brand named ADC which stands for “All Differently Created”

Harrison Freeman: You always hear talk of J. Cole being an influence of the city and its’ creatives. From your point of view, what’s it really like to be apart of the city?

ADC Alex: To be completely honest, I don’t think much of this city. I grew up here and have had great memories, but I don’t think I belong here at all. I feel like I don’t fit in at all. I don’t draw much inspiration living here either. I really just want to get out one day.

Harrison Freeman: You’ve originated a great question with the mention of inspiration. You mentioned that you run a clothing brand, who or what do you receive inspiration from?

ADC Alex: I take inspiration from a lot of things, whether it be life experiences, movies I watch, or even just being outside and looking at what’s around. Inspiration can really come from anywhere, it just depends on how you look at things and what you take from it.

Harrison Freeman: Do you think this applies to both positive and negative aspects or point of views?

ADC Alex: It can apply to both for sure. Really just depends on your current state of mind and what you take from it. But lately I’ve had a more positive look on things, regardless of how bad things can be.

Harrison Freeman: What are some things that people can do to also try to maintain a positive outlook despite any negative obstacles that might hinder the ability perceive situations in a better light? What do you do?

ADC Alex: It really depends on the situation, but let’s say you don’t get the job you wanted. It just means there’s better opportunities out there waiting for you. You can’t focus on the negatives, always gotta keep your head up and realize that there is more out there for you

Harrison Freeman: Absolutely man. I think that’s very important as, especially in the creative industry, you really need a strong mental health to even float.

Harrison Freeman: Let’s talk about your brand. When did you realize you had a passion for fashion and clothing?

ADC Alex: I think I started appreciating clothes when I was in middle school. As funny as it is when I got my first Hollister shirt. I thought the fabric felt better then any other piece of clothing I had, and that I think is when I started appreciating clothing, And ever since I could remember I was into art and eventually I came to the realization that my favorite form of media was putting my art into clothing. I found that was what I was best at

Harrison Freeman: I love that for you. I feel like a lot of people miss the attention to detail. You have so many people try to start their own brands and they just put a logo on a shirt and call it a day. I personally feel like this is where you differentiate yourself from tons of these other brands. Could you briefly go over what you feel is the most important aspect of running a brand?

ADC Alex: I feel like the most important part of running a brand is making what you like, being authentic and not being afraid to try new things and push boundaries. Making clothes is one the best way to express yourself, go crazy with it

Harrison Freeman: Do you think authenticity is something that can lack due to the pressure of following trends?

ADC Alex: It definitely can. Following trends can guarantee sales which is guaranteed money. Nothing wrong with that but if you really want to stand out from the competition, why do the same thing they are doing?

Harrison Freeman: Right, I think finding that balance is definitely important.

Harrison Freeman: Where did you Come up with the name, All Differently Created? It definitely stands out to me as a name and identity.

ADC Alex: Well ever since I was in middle school I would always draw out my initials “ADC” for Alexander Demetrius Catanzaro, whether it be in my notes, I’m my sketch pads, on my desk or even in bathroom walls. But I wanted it to stand for something besides my name, because I felt like that was too cocky. It took me a long time to come up with something. But being raised a Christian, and believing that God created us all to be unique and different, one day I was praying and it just came to me. “All Differently Created” and I fell in love with it, it gave the initials I always drew a powerful meaning and stuck with it

Harrison Freeman: Oh man, that’s really really cool. I love how you were able to incorporate your literal initials with that name. I completely agree with you that we are all uniquely created. Everything just ties together so perfectly. I love that.

Harrison Freeman: So, I know this is a throwback, but every time I hear the name, I instantly think about the picture of Xavier Wulf holding one of your t-shirts. What did that feel like?

ADC Alex: Still makes me happy to this day! Only reason I got the opportunity to meet him is because Bailey Snow and Lil Froze were openers for his show. I went super early to meet up with them for their mic tests and Wulf happened to be be there. I was able to talk to him for like 5 minuets. He’s such a cool and genuine guy. I ended up giving him a shirt although it wasn’t even his size, he wore XL and I only had larges left but he was nice enough to take pictures holding up the shirt. Still to this day one of the best days of my life. He’s such a huge inspiration to me. And the fact he took time out of his day to do that meant the world to me.

Harrison Freeman: That’s such a special opportunity man. I can only imagine how surreal that moment really felt.

Harrison Freeman: What are your plans for the future of ADC?

ADC Alex: To slowly keep growing and getting my name out there as much as possible. Learn new techniques and and continue improving my craft, while at the same time making timeless pieces that people will enjoy

Harrison Freeman: Amazing. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you. I still wear my ADC gear regularly.

Harrison Freeman: Do you have any last words of advice or wisdom you want to share with the audience?

ADC Alex: You can do anything you put your mind to. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise 🙂

Harrison Freeman: Simple. But impactful. I think that wraps it up. Thank you so much for your time man, I’ve really enjoyed our conversation.

ADC Alex: Of course man! Thank you for taking time to talk to me! I enjoyed this talk too


Here’s a look at some of All Differently Created’s official products.

Here’s Xavier Wulf repping All Differently Created.

Be sure to follow ADC Alex on all of his social media.

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